This year we had a great turnout, 15 brews from maybe 10 brewers. I won "best name" for Double Barrel Palin Ail (puns intended).
The beer itself was only moderately popular (my other entry, "Red Head", did very well so far as actual beers went), but here is a recipe for the Palin Ail for those who might be interested, for a 5 US gallon batch:
- 8 oz 60L
- 6 oz Cara Munich
- 6 oz US Victory
- 2 oz Malto Dextrin
- 4 oz flaked rye
- Steeped 30 minutes at 150 F
- 6 lb light malt extract
- 1 lb dry malt extract
- Bittering: 1/2 oz Horizon 11.4 + 1 oz East Kent Golding 4.5
- Flavour: 3/4 oz East Kent Golding + 3/8 oz Nugget from my new hopyard
- Aroma: 1 oz East Kent Golding
- 3/4 tsp Irish Moss
- 1 tsp DAP
- Pitched a Nottingham dry yeast