Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Reverend's Finger - an open source source brew

I've been meaning to post this for a while, ever since winning a homebrew competition last fall.

Reverend's Finger

Recipe for 5 US gallons. All temperatures degrees F

3/4 lb British Crystal 77
1/4 lb Belgian Special B

mashed in at 150 for 40 minutes
165 10 minutes
heated to 175, removed and rinsed grains

added 6 lb amber liquid malt extract
Bittering: 2 oz EK Golding 5.5% (boiled 65 min)
Flavour: 1/2 oz Fuggles 4% (15 min)
1/4 tsp irish moss (10 min)
Aroma: 1/2 oz Fuggles 4% (1 min)

WPL007 Dry English Ale yeast

Fermented at 68 for a few weeks, crash cooled to 34  for another couple of weeks

Kegged and aged under 9 lbs C02 for 2 months or so (fresh beer be damned)

[Comments from my previous blog]

1. tianye left...
Friday, 1 September 2006 1:49 am
2. glen martin left...
Saturday, 24 April 2010 12:29 pm :: http://blog.glen-martin.com/
A drunk at a bar had a conversation with me once that went just like that comment. "Hello ...." and then nothing. Thanks for the very topical comment.

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