I've got this telemarketer calling me and they won't stop. Different number each time, different name in the Caller ID, vague about their company name, and continuing to call despite being asked at least 3 times now to add me to their Do Not Call list. For that matter, they are ignoring the National Do Not Call Registry.
And here's the rub: I pay for Caller ID precisely so I can not interrupt my work to deal with this crap.
Meanwhile, the Telco I pay is letting disreputable callers spoof the system I pay for. It hasn't, after all, escaped me that the caller ID is reporting pretty unlikely names. This morning is "Wireless Caller". Tell me, since when has a telemarketer clearly in a call center (lots of background voices) used cellphones for the calls?
And I'm starting to wonder why I pay, and why others pay. Class action refund, anyone?
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